

类型:欧美 欧美 2024 

主演:卢奇安-里弗·楚罕   阿比盖尔·尼奥斯基   迪尔莎·瓦萨莉亚    


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“Me” follows a 12-year-old kid named Ben who is in the throes of middle school (complete with bullies, crushes and school dances!) as he adjusts to a newly blended family AND the realization that he has super powers. Throughout the 10-episode season, Ben goes on a journey of self-discovery and learns what having super powers truly means. He finds an ally in his stepsister, Max, who helps him harness these powers and uncover the secrets behind the mysteries and tragedies of his community … all while he tries to come to terms with what it means to be Ben.


你好李焕英 | 芈月传安徽卫视版 | 半斤八两粤语 | 李卫辞官 | 玫瑰之战电视剧免费全集在线观看 | 宝贝当家 | 浪客剑心 | 卧虎 | 唐朝诡事录 | 青衣电视剧 | 爱情阶梯 电影 | 剑旋陀螺 | 放学等我 | 倔强萝卜电影 | 乘风破浪 | 电影天堂官网入口 | 绿野仙踪 | 铠甲勇士 | 时间管理局 | 一步之遥 | 女神捕之局中局 | 咱们结婚吧 | 笔仙3 | 七七事变 | 我本是高山

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